The Matthew Galligan Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization created by Matt’s immediate family after losing him to brain cancer. It is our mission to turn our grief into support for others. Matt was always generous with his time, delivering birthday presents to underprivileged children, working with his friend Sam to coordinate the “135 Tournament,” which raised funds for Coaching for Change, and working as a volunteer and participating in fundraising events for the National Brain Tumor Society.
To keep Matt’s spirit of selfless giving alive, the Matthew Galligan Foundation aims to make the world a better place, through donating fundraising proceeds to The Sister’s Wish; the Pediatric Hematology Oncology Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital; and the Defeat GBM Research Collaborative. It is our hope that the funds raised will provide some level of comfort to terminally or chronically ill children and young adults, while also providing necessary funds for GBM research to try and find new treatments and a cure.
Donations received will be used to support young adults from 18 – 30, as well as pediatric patients. Additional funding will be used to support brain tumor research.